About Us
Brigid Draught Services - What's Behind the Name?
Saint Brigid of Kildare was a 5th Century Irish nun and brewer. She is known as one of the patron saints of beer, and is said to have had a close friendship with another Irish patron saint that we associate with beer, Saint Patrick.
The famed story of Brigid goes that she was asked by some lepers for beer [beer during this time was considered a favorable and safe hydration and calorie rich supplement for anyone.]. Channeling a little divine intervention, she found the water prepared for baths, blessed it, and in the goodness of her abiding faith, transformed it into the best beer, which she drew copiously for the thirsty.
Still more, several other stories of her Beer channeling abilities are noted through Brigid of Kildare's life - Such as, always having beer for visiting clerics and suppling seventeen churches in Meath with ale from Maundy Thursday to Low Sunday, even though there was a scarcity of malt.

Brigid Draught Services
Brigid Draught Services does some channeling of our own when it comes to making sure that your beer is clean, fresh and healthy, just as Saint Brigid did centuries ago. Helping you serve the cleanest beer available is the hallmark of our service. Her impeccable character, astute knowledge, and the drive to help you serve the cleanest beer available is the hallmark of our service to you.
Meet the Team

Douglas Nipper
A professional career in finance enhanced Doug’s love for the craft beer industry in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Over twenty years ago he began as a homebrewer and as an assistant brewer at Cowtown Brewing Company before founding Brigid Draught Services. Doug follows three generations of business entrepreneurs; his inherited entrepreneurial spirit led him down the path of beer line cleaning after discovering an enormous void in the line cleaning market. After purchasing a cleaning pump and other equipment, he began cleaning taps for local breweries and taprooms in his spare time. He is enthusiastic about building relationships with his customers and going the extra mile to ensure that all the beer served locally is as fresh as it was when it left the brewery.

Ara Jahn
"If you aren't learning, you aren't livin'." Lead to the brewing industry from a design and customer service background; the more Ara learns about brewing, cellaring, and tap room management the more she loves it. After participating in countless brew days and pint nights, the importance of clean beer lines in the process (and how often it can be overlooked) called her to join the team. She is committed to finding answers, making sure everyone is on the same page with the solution, and rolling up sleeves and getting a little dirty to get the job done.
Contact Brigid Draught Services today to schedule a beer line cleaning or system assessment! And be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook or X.